segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2021

“Unity” President Vows to “Defeat” America’s Oldest and Largest Civil Rights Group


Joe Biden wants Americans to believe that he will focus on what he calls “the renewal of a politics that’s about solving problems – not stoking the flames of hate and chaos.”

Yet what “problem” is Biden promising to “solve” before he even takes office? Why the “defeat” of the National Rifle Association, a group of over 5 million Americans of all different backgrounds from all different walks of life united in their commitment to the nation’s constitutional freedoms.

Biden issued this “pledge” in a January 8 tweet that falsely tried to suggest the men and women of the NRA were somehow implicated in an infamous crime that was committed a decade ago by a manifestly deranged individual with no clear motivation or political agenda.

Defaming one’s political opponents – and by extension, their supporters – is hardly unheard of in Washington, D.C. But doing so while claiming the mantle of a “unifier” is especially hypocritical, particularly at a time when the nation has real problems to solve, including the economic, psychological, and physical threats posed by the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

If Joe Biden were reading the newspapers – or better yet, NRA-ILA’s own Grassroots Alert – he would know that a viewpoint uniting an especially large and diverse group of Americans in 2020 was the necessity of a owning a firearm for personal protection. Last year was the busiest ever for the national background check system used to process retail firearms transactions. Americans, by all accounts, voted in record numbers with their feet and their pocketbooks in favor of their Second Amendment rights as the country struggled though one calamity after another.

Through it all, the NRA continued doing what it has done for 150 years: ensuring that Americans can meaningfully exercise the right to keep and bear arms and educating gun owners on how to safely and responsibly use their firearms. Our commitment to these goals is non-partisan and is intended to benefit every person in the U.S. who would own a firearm for lawful use.

Nevertheless, of all the things an incoming president could talk about, Biden made it a point to emphasize that he intends to target the NRA and its members.

We wouldn’t believe everything Joe Biden says, but on this point, at least, we will take him at his word.

Biden was at least forthright during the campaign on his intentions to curb Americans’ right to keep and bear arms to a degree never seen in the nation’s history.

At the top of his agenda is a ban on America’s most popular class of centerfire rifles, as well on the factory-spec magazines for most of the defensive pistols sold in the U.S. Current owners would be forced to pay hundreds of dollars in taxes to keep the property they had already lawfully acquired or risk being forced to surrender it to the government.

Joe Biden also supports litigation to hold firearm manufacturers and sellers responsible for the acts of unaffiliated criminals who misuse guns, even when the merchants had strictly obeyed all laws relating to the marketing and sale of the products. Such an extraordinary regime of lability would make it nearly impossible for America’s firearm industry to survive.

Biden would even like to ban the online sale of ammunition and “gun parts.”

The incoming president has also shown his antagonism toward gun owners and the NRA with his announced list of appointments, which includes Merrick Garland for U.S. attorney general. Garland had formerly been nominated by Barack Obama for the U.S. Supreme Court, a move that was vigorously opposed by the NRA because of Garland’s anti-gun record as a federal circuit judge.

For example, when a panel of his judicial peers ruled that D.C.’s ban on handguns and operable firearms in the home was unconstitutional, Garland voted to give the District another chance to prove its case that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right. Gun owners should be wary that a lawyer who has had his doubt about the legitimacy of their rights will likely become the nation’s highest law enforcement official.

Meanwhile, Biden’s pick to head the Justice Department’s powerful Civil Rights Division is someone who has commented favorably on a proposal to get “rid of the 2nd Amendment.”

Add it all up, and Biden’s vision of “unity” seems suspiciously unwelcoming to the more than 100 million Americans who own or live in a household with firearms.

But just as when Joe Biden unsuccessfully pursued gun control as Barack Obama’s vice-president, your NRA is fully prepared to oppose whatever plans he may have to “defeat” America’s largest and oldest civil rights organization and the fundamental liberties it protects.


quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2021

Wyatt Earp

 O mais temido Xerife

fonte da imagem: reprodução

Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp (Monmouth, 19 de março de 1848 - 13 de Janeiro de 1929) ocupou vários postos policiais no oeste Americano. Foi um dos protagonistas do Tiroteio em O.K. Corral em Tombstone, Arizona, junto com Doc Holliday, Virgil Earp, e Morgan Earp. Faz parte dos vultos reais que se tornaram lendários pelos seus feitos registrados na História do Velho Oeste americano, inspirando numerosos westerns.

Wyatt Earp é mais conhecido como um temido xerife de fronteira que trabalhou nas cidades de Wichita e Dodge City (Kansas), e em Tombstone, Arizona, onde sobreviveu ao tiroteio do Curral OK. Mas como xerife trabalhou somente por 5 anos de uma vida longa e aventureira, atuando em garimpos e investindo em salões de jogos. Era famoso por sua célebre frase: "Eu sou a lei e isso acaba aqui".

Wyatt passou a maior parte da vida viajando pelos desertos do sudoeste com seus quatro irmãos Virgil, Morgan, James e Warren, além da esposa Josie.


Nasceu em Monmouth, Illinois, em 19 de março de 1848.[1] Em 1864 mudou-se com seus pais para perto de San Bernardino, Califórnia, onde foi empregado da estrada de ferro.[2] Wyatt retornou para o leste e casou-se em 1870,[3] mas com a morte repentina de sua noiva, voltou para o território selvagem e trabalhou como caçador do búfalo e guia de diligências.

Em 1875 chegou em Wichita, onde se juntou a força policial. Em 1876, mudou-se para a Dodge Citty, Kansas onde se transformou em negociante, delegado e dono de saloon. Foi aqui que ele se encontrou com Bat Masterson e Doc Holliday, e estabeleceu sua reputação como um xerife e jogador notável.

Saindo de Dodge Citty com sua segunda esposa em 1878, Wyatt viajou para o Novo México e Califórnia, trabalhando por um momento como um agente da Fargo. Em 1879 juntou-se a seus irmãos e esposas na cidade mineradora de prata, Tombstone, Arizona.

Wyatt planejou se estabelecer na cidade e adquiriu a concessão do salão de jogos Oriental. Seu irmão Virgil transformou-se em xerife da cidade, enquanto Morgan se tornou seu auxiliar. Foi aqui que Wyatt conheceu sua terceira esposa Josie.

Em 26 de Outubro de 1881, uma disputa entre os irmãos Earp e um grupo conduzidos por Ike Clanton culminou no tiroteio mais comemorado do folclore norte-americano— o Tiroteio no OK Curral.[4] Três do grupo de Clanton morreram, Ike e um outro membro ferido conseguiram escapar. Três irmãos Earp—Virgil, Wyatt e Morgan—junto com o Doc Holliday sobreviveram. Morgan e Virgil foram feridos, e Virgil deixou de ser xerife por sua participação nos homicídios. 

Em março de 1882 Morgan Earp foi assassinado por desconhecidos. Wyatt, junto com seu irmão Warren e alguns amigos, perseguiram os suspeitos do assassinato durante algumas poucas semanas e a "vendetta" resultou em mais quatro mortos. 

Após ser acusado destes assassinatos, Wyatt e a esposa Josie fugiram do Arizona para o Colorado.[5] Acamparam em garimpos nos anos seguintes. Estiveram em Coeur d ' Alene, Idaho e em 1886, estabeleceram-se momentaneamente em San Diego, onde Wyatt investiu em propriedades e saloons de jogos.

Em 1897 Wyatt e Josie dirigem-se para Nome, Alasca, onde operaram um saloon durante a corrida do ouro no Alasca.[6] Retornaram à América em 1901 com uns $80.000 estimados e se dirigiram imediatamente para a garimpagem de ouro em Tonopah, Nevada, onde retornam as atividades de saloon, jogo e mineração.

Depois disso, Wyatt fez prospecção e reivindicou para garimpo uma parte do Deserto do Mojave e do Vale da Morte. Em 1906 descobriu diversas jazidas que continham ouro e cobre perto de Vidal, Califórnia no rio de Colorado e registraram reivindicações numerosas na base das montanhas de Whipple.

Ele morreu em 13 de janeiro de 1929 em Los Angeles, aos oitenta anos de idade.[7]


1. Urban, William. «Wyatt Earp's Birthplace». Monmouth College

2.Morritt, Robert D. (2011). The Lure of Olde Arizona. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. p. 227. ISBN 978-1-4438-2788-1

3. Isenberg, Andrew (2013). Wyatt Earp: A Vigilante Life. Nova Iorque: Hill and Wang. p. 53. ISBN 978-0-8090-9500-1

4.Bell, B.B. (29 de setembro de 2015). «Wyatt Earp in Hollywood». True West Magazine

5.Roberts, Gary L. (2007). Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend. Nova Iorque: Wiley, J. p. 263. ISBN 978-0-470-12822-0

6.Kirschner, Ann (18 de março de 2014). «Wyatt Earp's Alaskan Adventure». True West Magazine

7.«Noted Gun Fighter of Old West Dead; End Comes to Wyatt Earp at Los Angeles After Life of Battling 'Bad Men.' Defeated Clanton Gang – As Referee With a Pistol at Sharkey-Fltzsimmons Fight, His Decision Stood». The New York Times. Nova Iorque. 14 de janeiro de 1929. p. 19

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